About Us

Our Story

The art of sustainable fashion, a heavily desired yet seemingly expensive lifestyle choice for many. Elizabeth Barber sought to bridge this gap between the world of fashion and young people while taking into account the environmental and ethical issues of the fast fashion industry. Wanting to make affordable sustainable clothing more accessible to young people and make way for positive change in communities around the world, Elizabeth created Honeyluxe Vintage. 

Honeyluxe Vintage is a clothing brand that seeks to redefine the consumer experience in the fashion industry. It provides a combination of high quality, sustainable clothing pieces with affordable prices. Honeyluxe Vintage brings the elements from a fast-paced fashion culture to an ethically-sourced, environmentally friendly, evolving collection of vintage for young people. Replicating your favorite clothing trends doesn’t need to cost you a fortune or have adverse negative effects on the planet.

Supporting sustainability in clothing means you are aiding in the prevention of the harmful practices needed to create fast fashion. By choosing vintage, you no longer don't need to worry about contributing to increasing landfill wastes, the depletion of non-renewable sources, carbon emissions, immense amounts of wasted energy and water, as well as unfair and/or child labor practices.

Here at Honeyluxe Vintage, we stand for the healthful living of people, animals and this planet. Wearing our clothing represents the celebration of you and the joy of stepping into your best self when you choose clothing brands that you feel confident in supporting. 

Meet the CEO!

Hey there :) I’m Elizabeth Barber, a 17 year old vintage enthusiast who currently resides in Southern California. I founded Honeyluxe Vintage in March of 2021 and seek to grow an empire of strong, confident young people who enjoy sustainable fashion just as much as I do. I play volleyball and have a Youtube channel where I share more about the entrepreneur life as a student. Thank you for shopping small and supporting my business!

Personal Instagram: @ElizabethBarberr 

Youtube Channel: